Cara Menjaga Kesehatan Selama Ramadan

Cara Menjaga Kesehatan Selama Ramadan

Ramadhan merupakan bulan kesembilan di tahun Islam dan merupakan waktu di mana puasa dijalani mulai dari matahari terbit hingga terbenam. Bulan Ramadhan dimulai saat Allah menurunkan bab pertama dari Al-Qur’an kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW pada tahun 610, menurut Times of...
Skincare Wajib Untuk Ramadan

Skincare Wajib Untuk Ramadan

Selama Bulan Ramadhan, tubuh perlu melakukan adaptasi yang cukup intens karena perubahan asupan makanan dan air yang masuk. Kamu mungkin akan menyadari kalau kulitmu terlihat lebih kusam atau lebih kering selama bulan suci ini. Inilah sebabnya mengapa kamu perlu...
The Many Ways to Use Coconut Oil in Your Healthcare Routine

The Many Ways to Use Coconut Oil in Your Healthcare Routine

Coconut oil has long been touted as the miraculous cure-all holy grail oil. Now, while we absolutely love it, we’ll be honest with you: coconut oil isn’t going to solve all of your life problems. That’s the bad news.   But, the good news is that coconut oil still...
Essential Oils to Aid Digestion

Essential Oils to Aid Digestion

Painful, uncomfortable, embarrassing, and upsetting — there are plenty of adjectives to describe digestive issues but none of them carry positive connotations. While you can’t completely get rid of digestive issues (alas!), there are some things you can do to aid...
Sore After A Workout? Try These Essential Oils for Relief

Sore After A Workout? Try These Essential Oils for Relief

Soreness after an intense workout session isn’t uncommon. After all, delayed onset muscle soreness — or DOMS — typically occurs about 24 to 48 hours after a tough workout. Sure, they can be a pain (literally and figuratively!) but they can be easily managed. And, no,...
How to Keep Your Hair Healthy in the Summer and Winter?

How to Keep Your Hair Healthy in the Summer and Winter?

Both summer and winter can be seriously harsh on your hair. During summer, you’re battling sweltering heat and humidity. Of course, those dips in the pools are a must, but they can be hard on the hair, too. Meanwhile, winter comes with its own set of problems. Cold...

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