Argan Oil 30 ml

IDR Rp 153.100

From Argan trees in the woodlands in Morocco comes a nut that, when pressed, releases an oil that provides plentiful therapeutic benefits. Rich in both vitamin A and vitamin E, Argan oil is also full of antioxidants, omega-6 fatty acids, and linoleic acid.
Topical application of Argan oil boosts cell production to promote healthy skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles and keeping skin hydrated. It also nourishes hair follicles, repairing split ends and promoting healthy shine, while preventing dry, itchy scalp and dandruff.  An excellent whole-body moisturizer.

  • Absorbs quickly with no greasy residue
  • Soothes and heals skin inflammation
  • Cold pressed – certified organic
  • Anti-aging, helps reduce fine lines and prevents premature aging
  • Improves hair growth and gives relief to split ends
  • Helps reduce stretch marks
  • Helps improve cuticle health
  • A non comedogenic fixed oil

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From Argan trees in the woodlands in Morocco comes a nut that, when pressed, releases an oil that provides plentiful therapeutic benefits. Rich in both vitamin A and vitamin E, Argan oil is also full of antioxidants, omega-6 fatty acids, and linoleic acid.
Topical application of Argan oil boosts cell production to promote healthy skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles and keeping skin hydrated. It also nourishes hair follicles, repairing split ends and promoting healthy shine, while preventing dry, itchy scalp and dandruff.  An excellent whole-body moisturizer.
Absorbs quickly with no greasy residue
Soothes and heals skin inflammation
Cold pressed – certified organic
Anti-aging, helps reduce fine lines and prevents premature aging
Improves hair growth and gives relief to split ends
Helps reduce stretch marks
Helps improve cuticle health
A non comedogenic fixed oil


Argania Spinosa (Argan) Seed Oil


can be used as a face serum to be applied once or twice a day. To use, apply several drops to fingertips and smooth over face in in an upward, circular motion. Take extra care around the eye area.

Pro tip – Serums can also be used on the hair, or mixed with essential oils to create a custom blend. These are also carrier oils and can be used as such.

Additional information

Weight 200 g

Deskripsi Bahasa Indonesia

Dari Pohon Argan di hutan Maroko datang jenis kacang yang, ketika ditekan, akan melepaskan minyak yang memberikan manfaat terapeutik yang berlimpah. Kaya akan vitamin A dan vitamin E, minyak argan juga penuh dengan antioksidan, asam lemak Omega-6, dan asam linoleat.
Pengaplikasian topikal (pada kulit) minyak argan meningkatkan produksi sel dalam mempromosikan kulit yang sehat, mengurangi garis halus dan keriput dan menjaga kulit agar tetap terhidrasi. Minyak ini juga bisa memelihara folikel rambut, memperbaiki rambut bercabang dan menambah kilau sehat pada rambut, sekaligus mencegah rambut kering, kulit kepala gatal dan ketombe. Pelembab yang sangat baik untuk seluruh tubuh.

  • Menyerap dengan cepat tanpa residu berminyak
  • Menyejukkan dan menyembuhkan peradangan pada kulit
  • Cold-pressed – bersertifikat organik
  • Anti-penuaan, membantu mengurangi garis halus dan mencegah penuaan dini
  • Meningkatkan pertumbuhan rambut dan membantu rambut yang bercabang
  • Membantu mengurangi stretch mark Membantu meningkatkan kesehatan kutikula
  • Minyak yang tidak menyebabkan komedo

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