For many of us all around the world, we’ve been in lockdown for months. And, as we stay home to curb the pandemic, why not make the best of our time?  

For the beauty aficionados, might we suggest making DIY face masks with items you already have at hand? 

Think about it: the ingredients are all ready for you, you save quite a sum, and you know exactly what you’re putting on your skin. Plus, at the end of it, you get healthy glowing skin. That’s what we call a win-win.  

If you’re ready to whip up your own face mask, read on as we share how to make DIY face masks using common kitchen items during the lockdown.  

  • Turmeric and honey  

If you have acne-prone skin, you need to give this mask a try now. Turmeric is popular for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties — both of which are vital in fighting acne and breakouts. Meanwhile, honey also helps to prevent acne and breakouts. Plus, it helps to soothe the inflamed skin while nourishing and moisturising from within.  

Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric and a tablespoon of Manuka honey together in a bowl and apply it all over clean, dry skin. Leave it on for approximately 20 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.  

  • Honey, yogurt, and orange juice  

This sounds like a great breakfast, but you’ll find the mixture to be great for your skin, too. The honey and orange juice will help to brighten up a dull complexion to give the skin that enviable glow. As for the yogurt, the lactic acid in it helps to get rid of dead skin cells, clear up blemishes, and prevent breakouts.  

For this mask, you’ll need to mix three tablespoons of orange juice, a quarter cup of honey, and one tablespoon of plain yogurt in a bowl. Spread a light layer all over your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Then, wash off with warm water and follow up with serum and moisturiser.  

If you have orange essential oil at home, you can use it to replace the orange juice for even better results.  

We already know that yogurt is a potent ingredient. So, what happens when you pair it with coconut oil? Well, with coconut oil’s wealth of fatty acids, lauric acid, and vitamin E, your skin is in for a treat with this mask.  

To whip up this powerhouse face mask, combine one tablespoon of virgin coconut oil and plain yogurt in a bowl. Apply a thick layer on clean skin and leave it for about 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.  

  • Egg white and lemon juice  

This is for all of you with oily skin. For this mask, whisk one egg white to make it stiff. Then, add six drops of lemon juice and mix again. If you have witch hazel at home, add six drops to the mixture. Spread a layer over your skin and leave it on for about 15 minutes before rinsing it off.  

Which of these DIY face masks will you try first?  


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