Do It Yourself | Utama Spice Natural Aromatherapy Products Wed, 30 Mar 2022 08:35:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Do It Yourself | Utama Spice 32 32 DIY Body Scrub Menggunakan Virgin Coconut Oil Fri, 15 Apr 2022 01:00:31 +0000 Minyak kelapa sudah lama terkenal memiliki banyak manfaat untuk kulit, termasuk mengurangi peradangan, melembabkan kulit, dan mempercepat pemulihan. Minyak kelapa juga mengandung medium-chain amino acid serta memiliki sifat antimikroba yang secara efektif bisa mengobati jerawat dan melindungi kulit dari bakteri jahat. Di bawah ini kamu akan mendapati resep body scrub DIY yang bisa kamu bikin […]]]>

Minyak kelapa sudah lama terkenal memiliki banyak manfaat untuk kulit, termasuk mengurangi peradangan, melembabkan kulit, dan mempercepat pemulihan. Minyak kelapa juga mengandung medium-chain amino acid serta memiliki sifat antimikroba yang secara efektif bisa mengobati jerawat dan melindungi kulit dari bakteri jahat.

Di bawah ini kamu akan mendapati resep body scrub DIY yang bisa kamu bikin di rumah dengan menggunakan minyak kelapa murni.


Body Scrub Kopi

Body scrub ini mengandung kafein yang bisa membantu meningkatkan sirkulasi darah, mengurangi munculnya selulit, dan memberi warna serta penampakan yang lebih merata pada kulit. Body scrub kopi ini mudah diserap oleh tubuh dan dapat membantu mencegah penuaan dini pada kulit.

Apa yang kamu perlukan:

Cara pembuatan

  1. Campur semua bahan dalam wadah dengan penutup
  2. Jika ada campuran yang tersisa, bisa disimpan di kulkas hingga dua minggu untuk mencegah tumbuhnya jamur.
  3. Gosokkan langsung ke kulit lalu bilas sampai bersih


Body Scrub Stroberi untuk Kulit Dewasa

Kalau kamu memiliki kulit yang sudah mulai menua, maka body scrub ini sangatlah ideal. Body scrub ini bisa membantu memerangi degradasi pada kulit dan penuaan dini. Scrub ini juga kaya akan antioksidan, dan Vitamin C serta bisa membantu memerangi radikal bebas dan meningkatkan produksi kolagen dalam tubuh.

Apa yang kamu perlukan:

  • 1 cangkir gula mentah
  • 1/4 cangkir minyak kelapa murni
  • 1/4 cangkir gandum
  • 1/4 stroberi, dihaluskan

Cara pembuatan:

  1. Lumatkan stroberi menggunakan punggung garpu
  2. Campurkan semua bahan-bahan lainnya pada stroberi yang telah dilumatkan
  3. Oleskan langsung pada kulit dan bilas hingga bersih.


Body scrub Kelapa pengencang kulit

Resep ini bisa memberi tarikan pada kulitmu dan membantu meredam. Lavender mengandung sifat anti-inflamasi untuk membantu meredakan pembengkakan dan iritasi, minyak kelapa yang melembabkan, dan gula untuk membantu mengelupas kotoran dan kulit mati.

Apa yang kamu perlukan:

Cara pembuatan:

  1. Campur rata semua bahan di atas
  2. Simpan campuran ke dalam wadah kedap udara
  3. Oleskan scrub ke kulit dan bilas hingga bersih


Kalau kamu baru dalam menggunakan body scrub, gunakanlah seminggu sekali saja. Lalu secara bertahap bisa kamu tingkatkan menjadi tiga hingga empat kali per minggu di saat kulitmu sudah terbiasa dengan pengelupasan scrub. Kalau kamu memiliki kulit sensitif, kamu harus

mendiskusikan cara mengelupas kulit dengan scrub ini bersama dokter kulitmu.

Meta: Cobalah scrub tubuh DIY ini dengan menggunakan minyak kelapa murni di rumah untuk mendapatkan kulit yang lembab dan segar.

Skincare Yang Dibuat Dengan Cinta: Ide Unik Untuk Hadiah Hari Valentine Fri, 11 Feb 2022 01:00:26 +0000 Ketika orang mendengar tentang Hari Valentine, pasti langsung terpikir soal cokelat, buket bunga, dan boneka beruang. Itu karena hal-hal tersebut sudah menjadi hadiah yang biasa diberikan oleh pasangan mereka. Meskipun hadiah yang biasa itu sudah bagus, namun kenapa tidak memberi hadiah unik untuk kesayangnmu. Daripada membeli buket bunga mahal yang akan layu setelah beberapa hari, […]]]>

Ketika orang mendengar tentang Hari Valentine, pasti langsung terpikir soal cokelat, buket bunga, dan boneka beruang. Itu karena hal-hal tersebut sudah menjadi hadiah yang biasa diberikan oleh pasangan mereka.

Meskipun hadiah yang biasa itu sudah bagus, namun kenapa tidak memberi hadiah unik untuk kesayangnmu. Daripada membeli buket bunga mahal yang akan layu setelah beberapa hari, mengapa tidak menawarkan hadiah skincare?



Skincare sudah menjadi lebih populer selama beberapa tahun belakangan ini. Ikuti tren dan pilih untuk memberikan produk perawatan kulit alami. Ada produk siap pakai yang  bisa kamu beli untuk membuat set hadiah. Untuk kalian yang menginginkan sentuhan yang lebih pribadi, bisa memilih pendekatan DIY.

Di situlah essential oil masuk. Essential oil yang dimaksud merupakan minyak yang diekstrak langsung dari bunga, buah, biji, daun, akar, atau kulit tanaman atau pohon. Minyak ini diciptakan melalui distilasi, yang memisahkan senyawa yang berbasis air dan minyak.

Essential oil terkenal karena kegunaannya dalam aromaterapi. Apa yang banyak tidak ditahui adalah essential oil ini juga bisa membantu menjaga kesehatan kulit.

Berikut adalah beberapa resep untuk hadiah skincare alami DIY yang mudah untuk Hari Valentine:


Pembersih Wajah

Pembersih wajah yang baik membantu mencapai kulit yang bercahaya.

Apa yang Kamu butuhkan:

  • Botol Sabun Berbusa (16 oz)
  • Air Suling (1 cangkir)
  • Sabun Castile Cair tanpa pewangi tambahan (1/2 cangkir)
  • Minyak Jojoba atau Minyak Sweet Almond (2 sendok makan)
  • Essential Oil Lavender (15 tetes)
  • Essential Oil Frankincense (15 tetes)


Campurkan semua bahan di atas ke dalam botol dan kocok dengan seksama. Pastikan semua bahan tercampur dengan baik.


Facial Oil Moisturizer

Bantu orang tersayangmu menjaga keseimbangan di kelembaban yang sehat dengan campuran yang menenangkan.

Apa yang Kamu butuhkan:

  • Minyak Dasar seperti Argan, Grapeseed, atau Jojoba (di bawah 2/3 dari botol)
  • Minyak bernutrisi seperti Rosehip Seed Oil atau Evening Primrose Oil (sedikit kurang dari 1/3 dari botol)
  • Essential Oil Chamomile (4 hingga 7 tetes)
  • Botol (1 oz)

Isi botol dengan minyak dasar di bawah 2/3. Kemudian, tambahkan minyak bernutrisi. Selesaikan dengan 4 hingga 7 tetes Essential Oil Chamomile. Tutup botol dan kocok hingga rata.


Gel Pelawan Jerawat

Bantu orang tersayang mendapatkan kulit yang lebih bersinar dengan gel pelawan jerawat.

Apa yang Kamu butuhkan:

  • Aloe Vera Gel (4 sendok makan)
  • Essential Oil Lavender (10 tetes)
  • Essential Oil Tea Tree (10 tetes)
  • Wadah

Campur semua bahan. Pastikan untuk mencampurnya dengan benar. Masukkan ke dalam wadah.


Resep-resep di atas hanya merupakan beberapa produk perawatan kulit alami DIY yang bisa berfungsi sebagai hadiah unik pada Hari Valentine. Jika Kamu ingin tahu lebih banyak, cek Utama Spice Natural Aromatherapy Products.


Meta Description: Hadiah DIY untuk Hari Valentine menunjukkan perhatian dan kepedulianmu kepada orang tersayang. Essential Oil yang tepat bisa membantu memberikan hadiah skincare alami yang unik dan tak terlupakan.

Tunjukkan Kreativitas Kamu Dengan Hadiah DIY Untuk Hari Valentine Mon, 07 Feb 2022 01:00:24 +0000 Setiap tahun, banyak orang yang kesulitan menemukan hadiah terbaik untuk Hari Valentine. Banyak yang memilih bermain aman dengan membelikan bunga dan cokelat. Namun, hadiah seperti itu tidak memiliki sentuhan pribadi yang diharapkan dating dari orang tersayang. Salah satu cara terbaik untuk menunjukkan cinta dan penghargaanmu kepada orang yang disayangi adalah dengan menawarkan hadiah relaksasi kepada […]]]>

Setiap tahun, banyak orang yang kesulitan menemukan hadiah terbaik untuk Hari Valentine. Banyak yang memilih bermain aman dengan membelikan bunga dan cokelat. Namun, hadiah seperti itu tidak memiliki sentuhan pribadi yang diharapkan dating dari orang tersayang.

Salah satu cara terbaik untuk menunjukkan cinta dan penghargaanmu kepada orang yang disayangi adalah dengan menawarkan hadiah relaksasi kepada mereka. Buatlah menjadi lebih romantis dengan membawa produk spa Bali ke rumahmu.


Minyak Pijat

Pijat tangan atau kaki sederhana dapat merilekskan seluruh tubuh. Untuk pengalaman menenangkan yang optimal, lakukan pijat gratis dengan menggunakan minyak campuran pribadi. Mereka juga bisa membawa sisa minyak untuk digunakan di kemudian hari.

Berikut resep sederhananya:

  • Carrier Oil seperti Coconut atau minyak Jojoba (1 oz atau 2 sendok makan)
  • Essential Oil (jumlahnya tergantung pada jenisnya)
  • Botol Kaca

Campur semua bahan-bahan dan tuangkan ke dalam botol kaca. Kocok dengan baik.

Untuk pijat kaki yang menenangkan, gunakan 10 tetes Roman Chamomile atau essential oil lavender.

Untuk pijat tangan yang santai, buat campuran essential oil menggunakan resep berikut:

  • Essential Oil Bergamot (2 tetes)
  • Essential Oil Frankincense (2 tetes)
  • Essential Oil Neroli (3 tetes)
  • Essential Oil Sandalwood (1 tetes)
  • Essential Oil Sweet Orange (2 tetes)


Garam Mandi

Berikan tambahan kenikmatan berendam air hangat setelah hari yang panjang dengan garam mandi yang dicampur khusus.

Apa yang Kamu butuhkan:

  • Garam Epsom (4 cangkir)
  • Essential Oil  (15 tetes)

Campurkan garam Epsom dengan Essential Oil favorit mereka atau campuran siap pakai dalam mangkuk non-reaktif. Pilihan yang baik untuk Essential Oil termasuk Roman Chamomile, Eucalyptus, atau Lavender.


Lip Balm

Daripada membeli lip balm, mengapa tidak membuatnya sendiri?

Apa yang Kamu butuhkan:

  • Bees Wax Pastilles (1 oz)
  • Cocoa Butter (1/2 oz)
  • Minyak Kelapa (1 oz)
  • Lavender, Rosemary, atau Wild Orange Essential Oil (10 tetes)
  • Essential Oil Peppermint (20 tetes)
  • Cocoa Butter (1/2 oz)
  • Tabung Lip Balm
  • Toples kaca bermulut lebar

Apa yang harus dilakukan:

  • Campurkan beeswax, minyak kelapa, cocoa butter, dan shea butter dalam toples kaca bermulut lebar.
  • Masukkan toples dengan lembut ke dalam panci yang diisi dengan 2 inci air mendidih. Matikan api.
  • Aduk campuran sampai meleleh sepenuhnya.
  • Keluarkan toples dari panic panas dan biarkan dingin selama sekitar 3 menit.
  • Selanjutnya, tambahkan Essential Oil dan aduk rata.
  • Gunakan pipet untuk memasukkan campuran ke dalam tabung lip balm.


Membuat produk spa DIY Bali memungkinkan Kamu untuk menunjukkan kreativitas sekaligus membuat orang yang Kamu sayangi merasakan perhatian dan penghargaanmu.


META DESCRIPTION: Produk spa Bali bisa menjadi hadiah Hari Valentine yang jitu. Daripada membeli, cobalah DIY dengan menggunakan minyak esensial untuk sentuhan pribadi tambahan itu.

Using Essential Oils to Improve Your Mental Health Sat, 02 Oct 2021 04:00:15 +0000 During these trying times, it’s not all that surprising if your mental health has taken a hit. After all, it’s hard — and, on some days, downright impossible — to keep a smile on your face when it’s bad news after bad news.   Of course, this is perfectly natural with the state of the […]]]>

During these trying times, it’s not all that surprising if your mental health has taken a hit. After all, it’s hard — and, on some days, downright impossible — to keep a smile on your face when it’s bad news after bad news.


Of course, this is perfectly natural with the state of the world and perfectly human. But, it’s also an issue that needs addressing. Otherwise, it’s going to be detrimental to your health and wellbeing.


For a little help when things get too tough, you might want to give essential oils a try as a complementary treatment. Let’s take a look at how they can help.

How Do They Work?

When used, and especially inhaled, the scent molecules of the essential oils travel from your olfactory nerves to your brain and, most importantly, your amygdala. This is basically a network of brain structures that processes emotions.

Which Essential Oils to Use?

Many essential oils can help with mental health in one way or another. However, some are better than others. Here’s a list of the best essential oils to boost your mental well-being:


Lavender Essential Oil

Soft, calming, and very recognisable, it helps to decrease anxiety, lower stress, and alleviate depression. With its sedative effects, it’s also commonly used to help with sleep issues and insomnia.

Bergamot Essential Oil

The zesty and uplifting oil is often said to help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety. Plus, it’s also believed to help reduce the release of stress hormones during stressful periods.

Jasmine Essential Oil

Research has shown that the stimulating and uplifting effect of the oil affects brain activity and helps to improve mood as well as reduce depression.

Ginger Essential Oil

Used for depression and anxiety, studies have posited that ginger may lessen anxiety and its many symptoms. Plus, it’s believed to help to mitigate stress, too.

Chamomile Essential Oil

Chamomile eases the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Besides that, the oil has also been shown to possibly help to enhance motivation for when you need that extra push.

Sweet orange essential oil

The oil relieves the symptoms of anxiety and depression. It’s also often used to help manage stress.

Grapefruit essential oil

Invigorating and refreshing, grapefruit helps to make you feel more energized and revived. Also commonly used by those in addiction treatment programmes to fight cravings and increase chances of success.

Neroli essential oil

Said to help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, the oil is believed to promote the release of serotonin and reduce cortisol levels.

Frankincense essential oil

Found to stimulate and affect the part of the brain that regulates emotions, frankincense can be used to improve mood, promote relaxation, and alleviate depression.

Sandalwood essential oil

Rich and earthy, sandalwood has long been used for its relaxing and anxiety-relieving properties.

How to Use Essential Oils for Mental Health?

Some common application methods include:

  • Direct inhalation
  • Via a diffuser
  • Added to your bathwater
  • Massaged onto the skin
  • Rubbed onto the wrists

DIY Essential Oil Recipe for Mental Health

Instead of just using one essential oil, you can also use a blend of different ones. Here’s a DIY blend that you can try to use to help with stress, anxiety, and depression:


  • 4 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 3 drops of bergamot essential oil
  • 2 drops of frankincense essential oil


While essential oils are indispensable in helping to boost and improve mental health, they should be regarded as complementary. Please do seek professional help if and when necessary.

Must-Know DIY Home Remedies for Colds Mon, 06 Sep 2021 01:00:29 +0000 Let’s be real here: a cold is never fun. The runny nose, the nasal congestion, the chills, and the fever — the perfect recipe for a miserable and horrible time, really. Now, of course, you’ve probably taken some over-the-counter medications to combat these symptoms, and you absolutely should. However, you might find them lacking or […]]]>

Let’s be real here: a cold is never fun. The runny nose, the nasal congestion, the chills, and the fever — the perfect recipe for a miserable and horrible time, really.

Now, of course, you’ve probably taken some over-the-counter medications to combat these symptoms, and you absolutely should. However, you might find them lacking or not working as fast as you’d hoped.

Well, in that case, you might want to make use of some home remedies — in addition to your medications — to help to fight the cold and the symptoms. Below, we share some of these simple DIY home remedies you can try out when you’re feeling under the weather.

1.  Drink Your Water

If you’re looking for a miracle fluid, water is perhaps the closest thing to it. It helps to thin mucus, reduce congestion, and prevent dehydration.

If you’ve guzzled down too much H2O and are looking for some varieties, you can turn to juices instead. Apart from that, tea with some lemon and honey would also get the job done. In fact, honey has been known to be an effective cough suppressant.

2.  Gargle With Tea Tree Oil

Gargling with tea tree oil can also help to alleviate cold symptoms — especially sore throat. All you have to do is just add a drop of tea tree oil into a glass of warm water. Swish it around and then spit it out.

3.  Make Full Use of Essential

Essential oils have long been used to alleviate cold and its symptoms. Different essential oils would help with different symptoms. For instance:

For maximum effect, inhalation is your best bet. Simply sniff the bottle directly or add a few drops of essential oil to a cotton ball or handkerchief and inhale deeply.

Alternatively, place a few drops of the essential oil in a large bowl of boiling water. Carefully lean over the bowl and cover your head with a towel. Breathe in and breathe out deeply.

Apart from that, you can always mix the essential oil with a carrier oil and massage the blend onto the throat and chest area for relief.

And, of course, for something effortless, a few drops of the oil in a diffuser would absolutely work, too.

Now, if you’d prefer to use a specialized blend rather than individual essential oil, you might want to give our Clearing Essential Oil Blend a try. The blend has everything you need to kick colds and flu to the curb.

For instance, cubeb oil boosts the immune system and cajeput oil is a natural decongestant as well as an expectorant. With the blend, you’ll feel better in no time at all.

4.  Take A Warm Bath

A warm bath may be exactly what your body needs to recover. The steam helps to soothe the nasal passage, lubricate, and minimize congestion.

For the best experience and effect, add a few drops of the above-mentioned essential oils to your warm bath water and gently mix with your hand. Soak and enjoy the reprieve from the cold and flu.

5.  Coconut Oil Helps

Did you know that coconut oil helps with colds, too? Sure, it works best to prevent colds but it’s also great to alleviate the symptoms.

When you’re feeling congested, mix a few drops of coconut oil with either peppermint or eucalyptus essential oils to make your own vapor rub. Massage the blend onto your chest and back.

With these DIY home remedies in your arsenal, hopefully, you will feel better soon. Remember to rest up and take care!


​​How to Make a DIY Face Mask Using Common Kitchen Items During Lockdown Fri, 20 Aug 2021 01:00:24 +0000 For many of us all around the world, we’ve been in lockdown for months. And, as we stay home to curb the pandemic, why not make the best of our time?   For the beauty aficionados, might we suggest making DIY face masks with items you already have at hand?  Think about it: the ingredients are […]]]>

For many of us all around the world, we’ve been in lockdown for months. And, as we stay home to curb the pandemic, why not make the best of our time?  

For the beauty aficionados, might we suggest making DIY face masks with items you already have at hand? 

Think about it: the ingredients are all ready for you, you save quite a sum, and you know exactly what you’re putting on your skin. Plus, at the end of it, you get healthy glowing skin. That’s what we call a win-win.  

If you’re ready to whip up your own face mask, read on as we share how to make DIY face masks using common kitchen items during the lockdown.  

  • Turmeric and honey  

If you have acne-prone skin, you need to give this mask a try now. Turmeric is popular for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties — both of which are vital in fighting acne and breakouts. Meanwhile, honey also helps to prevent acne and breakouts. Plus, it helps to soothe the inflamed skin while nourishing and moisturising from within.  

Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric and a tablespoon of Manuka honey together in a bowl and apply it all over clean, dry skin. Leave it on for approximately 20 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.  

  • Honey, yogurt, and orange juice  

This sounds like a great breakfast, but you’ll find the mixture to be great for your skin, too. The honey and orange juice will help to brighten up a dull complexion to give the skin that enviable glow. As for the yogurt, the lactic acid in it helps to get rid of dead skin cells, clear up blemishes, and prevent breakouts.  

For this mask, you’ll need to mix three tablespoons of orange juice, a quarter cup of honey, and one tablespoon of plain yogurt in a bowl. Spread a light layer all over your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Then, wash off with warm water and follow up with serum and moisturiser.  

If you have orange essential oil at home, you can use it to replace the orange juice for even better results.  

We already know that yogurt is a potent ingredient. So, what happens when you pair it with coconut oil? Well, with coconut oil’s wealth of fatty acids, lauric acid, and vitamin E, your skin is in for a treat with this mask.  

To whip up this powerhouse face mask, combine one tablespoon of virgin coconut oil and plain yogurt in a bowl. Apply a thick layer on clean skin and leave it for about 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.  

  • Egg white and lemon juice  

This is for all of you with oily skin. For this mask, whisk one egg white to make it stiff. Then, add six drops of lemon juice and mix again. If you have witch hazel at home, add six drops to the mixture. Spread a layer over your skin and leave it on for about 15 minutes before rinsing it off.  

Which of these DIY face masks will you try first?  

4 DIY Natural Air Fresheners for Your Home Fri, 06 Aug 2021 01:00:25 +0000 You walk into your home and you catch a waft of… something. Is it the fish you fried yesterday? Or, is that funky smell coming from your pet? Perhaps, it’s from those boxes that you just retrieved from storage?     Either way, it’s not pleasant and the stench has to be gone from your home […]]]>

You walk into your home and you catch a waft of… something. Is it the fish you fried yesterday? Or, is that funky smell coming from your pet? Perhaps, it’s from those boxes that you just retrieved from storage?  


Either way, it’s not pleasant and the stench has to be gone from your home ASAP.  


Now, you might be tempted to reach for that can of commercial air fresheners. But, before you do, you might want to consider a DIY alternative that’s far better for yourself, your home, and, well, your planet.  


If you don’t know any alternatives, don’t fret. In this article, we’ll share with you some top DIY natural air fresheners for your home.  

  1. Diffuse essential oils 

The easiest way, of course, is to add a few drops of essential oil to your diffuser and let it do its thing. Some great options that will leave your home smelling fresh include tangerineorangelemonbergamot, and lavender.   


If you don’t have a diffuser, you can simply boil a pot of water. Then, remove it from the heat and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Leave it for a bit and the scent of the oil will work its way through your home.  

  1. Deodorizing spray 

You can also easily make your own natural air freshener spray. You’ll need: 


  • A spray bottle 
  • 35ml of water 
  • 60ml of alcohol 95% 
  • A total of 5ml (or 100 drops) of essential oils.  


The vodka/alcohol will help to bind the essential oils and the water. All you need to do then is to combine all the ingredients in the spray bottle. Finally, shake well and spray.  


Plus, you can go wild with the essential oils and mix and match the scents that you like to get to 5ml/100 drops. But, some foolproof combinations include: 



  1. Baking soda jar 

This is as easy as it sounds and it will leave your home free of nasty odors and smelling great. You’ll need only baking soda and essential oils. The baking soda is a natural deodorizer and absorbs all the stink. Meanwhile, the essential oils offer delightful scents.  


Combine ½ cup of baking soda with 5-6 drops of essential oil in a mason jar or a glass jar. Set it down in your bathroom, closet, and just about anywhere in your home. You can even place it in your car!  

  1. DIY reed diffuser 

If you don’t want to shell out for store-bought reed diffusers, you can easily make one at home. Make sure you have this on your hands: 

Just combine the above in a ceramic or glass vase. Give it a good shake and put in 7-8 reed diffuser sticks. When you feel like you want a stronger scent, just flip the sticks around.  


And, there you have it! These are all easy methods to create DIY natural air fresheners for your home. Now, your home will smell amazing 24/7!

DIY Mask Spray Fri, 23 Jul 2021 01:11:20 +0000 In case 2020 — and 2021 — hasn’t made it crystal clear, face masks are the biggest must-have during the pandemic era. Offering vital protection, it looks like the masks are here to stay… at least for a while. However, while the masks are necessary and play a vital role, they can get uncomfortable if […]]]>

In case 2020 — and 2021 — hasn’t made it crystal clear, face masks are the biggest must-have during the pandemic era. Offering vital protection, it looks like the masks are here to stay… at least for a while.

However, while the masks are necessary and play a vital role, they can get uncomfortable if worn for a prolonged period of time.

Plus, in their effort to protect us, face masks are, alas, also keeping other wonderful scents at bay. The refreshing zesty scent of lemons, the comforting embrace of lavender, and more are unfortunately masked.

Well, what if we told you that there’s a way to make wearing a mask far more bearable and even enjoyable? See, this is where a DIY mask spray can help.

And, today, we’ll be sharing some of the best ingredients to include in your spray as well as a step-by-step guide on how to DIY a mask spray.

Mask Spray Ingredients

Below, you’ll find some of the best solutions that you can add to your mask spray:

  • Witch hazel

Extracted from the witch hazel plant, it helps by acting as the emulsifier — keeping the water and essential oils mixed. Plus, witch hazel also helps to disperse the essential oils.

Beyond that, witch hazel is known for its many benefits including antibacterial properties. And, it acts as a general astringent, too.

  • Distilled water
  • Essential oils

You can pretty much choose any essential oil that you like to add to your mask spray. Here are a few that you can try:

  • Lavender – this essential oil helps to ease stress and tension, which helps to promote relaxation.
  • Orange or lemon – known for their rejuvenating scents, these essential oils will keep you fresh and alert.
  • Bergamot – great to reduce stress and anxiety, Bergamot essential oil is also excellent in calming your skin.
  • Tea tree – popular for its healthy skin-boosting properties, tea tree will help to keep the dreaded maskne at bay.

Of course, there’s no hard and fast rule that says that you’re limited to just one type of essential oil. Instead, feel free to combine the ones that you like. Otherwise, you can also find plenty of creative combinations online. The possibilities are endless, really!

DIY Mask Spray Directions

Making a DIY mask spray is extremely easy and you can get it down pat in minutes. Here’s how:

  1. Make sure you have 3 tablespoons (45ml) of witch hazel, 1 tablespoon (15ml of distilled water), and 20 drops of any essential oil.
  2. Add the witch hazel, distilled water, and essential oil of choice to a spray bottle. It’s best to go with a glass spray bottle as pure essential oils tend to be very potent.
  3. Mix thoroughly and your DIY mask spray is ready for use!
  4. Lightly spray a few pumps on the inside and outside of your mask. Repeat whenever you feel like it or if the scent has faded. However, don’t apply while the mask is on your face.

Keep in mind that this DIY mask spray isn’t meant to be the catch-all solution that sanitizes your mask. So, you’ll still have to wash or replace your mask after use.

Armed with your favorite DIY mask spray, wearing a mask can be enjoyable and relaxing — in addition to life-saving, of course!

Take Care Of Your Beard With DIY Beard Oil Fri, 25 Jun 2021 01:00:27 +0000 Meta Description: Are you growing your beard? Improve your beard’s health and appearance with these beard care tips and customized hand-made beard oil. === Beards can either make you look like a gentleman or someone who doesn’t shower. The difference is in how healthy and well-kept your beard looks. Learn how to take proper care […]]]>

Meta Description: Are you growing your beard? Improve your beard’s health and appearance with these beard care tips and customized hand-made beard oil.


Beards can either make you look like a gentleman or someone who doesn’t shower. The difference is in how healthy and well-kept your beard looks. Learn how to take proper care of your beard and how to make your own hand-made beard oil.

How To Take Care Of Your Beard

Wash Your Beard

Like the hair on your head, your facial hair also gathers dirt. So, it’s important to keep it clean. However, be gentle with your beard. Use a shampoo specifically for facial hair, which will clean it without stripping off its natural oils.

Brush And Comb Your Beard

Brushing and combing do not only keep tangles out of long beards. These are important for your beard’s health and beard taming and training. A boar bristle beard brush stimulates the production of sebum to keep your facial hair healthy while also removing any dirt.

Nourish Your Facial Hair

This is where beard oils come into the picture. Beard oils nourish and hydrate your facial hair and the skin underneath it. It encourages hair growth, volume, and shine. With the right essential oils and carrier oils, beard oil will keep your beard healthy.

Make Your Own Beard Oil

Beard oil is an important part of beard care. Without it, your beard may not grow fast, look dry, and be difficult to manage. If you are growing a beard, you don’t need to spend lots of money on beard oil. Here’s how to make your own beard oil.

Benefits Of Essential Oils On Beard

  • Vetiver – moisturizes the facial hair
  • Orange – stimulates growth; improves texture and shine
  • Tea Tree – prevents dandruff and dry skin flakes; moisturizes and keeps hair shiny
  • Bergamot – helps balance natural oil production
  • Lavender – improves the appearance of hair
  • Argan oil – promotes growth; moisturizes hair

DIY Beard Oil

What You Need:

  • 3 teaspoons of Argan Oil
  • 6 drops of essential oils
  • A dropper bottle or roller bottle

Beard Oil Combinations:

  • 3 drops of Vetivert and Orange
  • 2 drops of Bergamot, Orange, and Lavender
  • 3 drops of Tea Tree and Lavender


  1. In a bowl, combine argan oil with your choice of beard oil combination. Mix well.
  2. Transfer the beard oil to your dropper bottle or roller bottle.


Find the essential oils and carrier oils you need for your beard care at Utama Spice.

Essential Oil Blends To Help You Through Ramadan Fri, 16 Apr 2021 01:00:20 +0000 Ramadan is a special month. It is a great opportunity to strengthen your faith and patience. It would be a lie to say that Ramadan is not full of challenges. You may not think it but you can overcome these challenges with the help of Bali spa products. For Moodiness Fasting can make you irritable […]]]>

Ramadan is a special month. It is a great opportunity to strengthen your faith and patience. It would be a lie to say that Ramadan is not full of challenges. You may not think it but you can overcome these challenges with the help of Bali spa products.

For Moodiness

Fasting can make you irritable and impatient. This essential oil blend can help you manage these feelings while you fast:

3 drops of Roman Chamomile

3 drops of Ylang Ylang

3 drops of Bergamot

For Headaches

A lot of people suffer from headaches due to prolonged fasting. Headaches can make it difficult to go through your day. While resting is always a good idea, diffusing this essential oil blend can help alleviate your headache.

3 drops of Mint

3 drops of Lavender

1 drop of Eucalyptus

For Focus

Anyone who has had to work or study while hungry knows how difficult it is to focus. For days when you need to work hard or if you simply need to concentrate during meditation, the Focus Essential Oil Blend can help. This blend stimulates the mind so you remain alert and focused to your task.

For Digestion

You may experience bloating, flatulence, indigestion, or digestive spasms during fasting. Take care of your digestive health during Ramadan with this essential oil blend.

What you need:

3 drops of Ginger

2 drops of Roman Chamomile

1 drop of Mint

For Motivation

If you’re feeling unmotivated to keep going with your fasting, remind yourself of the essence of Ramadan and diffuse these motivating essential oils.

What you need:

3 drops of Bergamot

3 drops of Grapefruit Pink

2 drops of Lemon

For Better Spiritual Experience

Enhance your meditation and spiritual experience this Ramadan with Frankincense essential oil. This essential oil will help you relax, focus, and help you detach from worldly thoughts.

What you need:

2 drops of Frankincense essential oil

1 drop of Rose Geranium

1 drop of Ylang Ylang

For Curbing Appetite

For days when your appetite is too strong, you need to support your discipline and faith with essential oils. These essential oils can help curb your appetite so you don’t have to focus on controlling yourself the whole day.

What you need:

2 drops of Mint

2 drops of Citronella

1 drop of Bergamot

Essential oils are not just for massages and skincare. These Bali spa products have great use for helping you through Ramadan.


Meta description: When fasting becomes too difficult, you can turn to these Bali spa products to help you. Find out the essential oil blends you can use for Ramadan.
