Skincare has grown its popularity in recent years. Many are interested in having a routine that will keep their skin radiant and glowing.

While this development comes with positive things, such as the growing interest of people in natural skincare, it also brings some bad news. With contradicting information, many people end up making skincare mistakes.

Here are the most common:

Forgetting to Drink Enough Water

Technically, this is not the product of wrong information. However, many people fail to realize the importance of staying hydrated. Not only will it help with your health, but it also promotes better skin hydration.

Improper Cleansing

Removing your makeup is important. But it is also crucial to use the proper cleanser. Make sure the ingredients the product has are suitable for your skin type.

Not Wearing Sunscreen

Even if you do not plan on staying outdoors, it is necessary to wear sunscreen with 30 or higher SPF to protect your skin from UV rays that could cause photoaging.

Over-Using Products

Having the right products is one thing, but knowing how to use them is another. Avoid over-exfoliation as it may irritate your skin. Use cleansers once in the morning and once at night.

Buying Products Blindly

Many are tempted to buy whatever is popular. The problem with this is that the ingredients may not work on your skin, or worse, they may even irritate.

Using Dirty Makeup Brushes

The brushes that you use may hold on to dead skin cells, oil, and even bacteria. Make sure you keep them clean at all times.

Moisturizing Only at Night

Another common mistake is applying moisturizers only at night. Try using a lightweight alternative in the morning before you apply makeup.

Neglecting the Neck

Always include your neck as it also has thin skin and can age faster than other parts of your body. Cleanse it and moisturize it as well.

Wrong Use of Retinoid

Retinoids are a great addition to skincare, especially for those people suffering from acne. However, a lot of people do not know how to use them properly. Using it too frequently can result in dry and peeling skin. You should also make sure you are only using a pea-sized amount at a time.

Not Changing Pillowcases Enough

Yes, your pillowcase is part of skincare. It can hold on to dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria. So, make sure you change them every few days.


Having a skincare routine is essential. However, you have to make sure you are using the right products properly. Avoiding these mistakes can help you get started.

If you are also looking for high-quality face care products, why not give natural skincare a try? These are safer and easier on the skin. They are also packed with beneficial ingredients. Additionally, they are eco-friendly. Contact Utama Spice to learn more.

META DESCRIPTION: Having a skincare routine is important, but using the right products like natural skincare and not making the mistakes others do will ensure good results.


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