Food for Your Skin

Food for Your Skin

If you’ve read our previous blogs you’ll have seen our numerous mentions about how diet, and lifestyle can affect your skin. Here we’ll take a look at some of the most important foods to eat in order to maintain healthy and radiant skin. Oily Fish: Omega-3 gets a lot...
What is Dull Skin?

What is Dull Skin?

Dull skin is a term you may have come across while perusing skincare products. But what exactly is this vaunted phenomena, and is it an area of concern? Most people will start to experience dull skin at around age 30, so if you’ve ticked that number or are getting...
Pollutions Effect on Your Skin

Pollutions Effect on Your Skin

The effects of severe pollution on your health has been pretty well documented in the past. Alarmingly air pollution is responsible for more deaths than HIV or Malaria. 3 million people die each year from it, and it has been linked to heart, and mental health...
Deforestation in Indonesia

Deforestation in Indonesia

Indonesia’s rainforest is among the most bio diverse in the world, raking 3rd in species diversity behind only Brazil and the Congo. The cutting down of the forest is also responsible for placing Indonesia at 1st when it comes to deforestation in the world rankings,...

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