Bali Spa Products Can Keep The Bugs Away

Bali Spa Products Can Keep The Bugs Away

There are few things that are as irritating as the sound of a mosquito doing a fly-by near your head. Except, of course, when they finally land and try to snack on your blood! Avoiding Bugs And Harsh Chemicals There are bugs that are annoying, bugs that can cause...
A Lesson In How To Choose The Right Liquid Soaps

A Lesson In How To Choose The Right Liquid Soaps

Soap is soap, right? Not really. There’s a big difference in the different soaps available on the market today. Some soaps are labeled “antibacterial” while others are “moisturizing.” Some soaps are used to wash your hands, others are used to wash the body. Some...
Protecting Your Pucker With 100% Natural Lip Care

Protecting Your Pucker With 100% Natural Lip Care

People often think that chapped lips only happen to those who live in cold and snowy climates, but chapped lips can happen any time of year. The skin on your lips is thinner than anywhere else on your body. They do not have the ability to create melanin to filter out...
The Beauty Of Making Your Own Perfume

The Beauty Of Making Your Own Perfume

Essential oils have been used as a perfume for years uncountable. In the 1960’s, hippies all over North America bathed in patchouli essential oil, giving it a place in world history as a perfume. Patchouli had been used as a fragrance for centuries prior to this and...

Green Tea Honey Body Mist

Alcohol 70 % 30 ml Green tea infusion 30 ml Honey 1 drops Lavender Essential Oil 1.5 ml (30 drops) Rose Geranium Essential Oil 1.5 ml (30 drops) Frankincense Essential Oil 1.5 ml (30 drops) ]]>
Why Bali Skin Care Does Not Use Palm Oil

Why Bali Skin Care Does Not Use Palm Oil

You might know a little bit about palm oil, or you might know a lot about it, but if know nothing about how it’s impacting the planet, you might want to think twice before you consume it. It’s An Edible Oil Palm oil can be found in a variety of food products such as...
Simple Beauty Comes In A Natural Face Serum

Simple Beauty Comes In A Natural Face Serum

By now you know that we believe in natural products that can heal and nourish your skin without synthetic ingredients or damaging chemicals. We believe that people can be beautiful and age well by harnessing the power of nature. And when it comes to facial care and...
How Virgin Coconut Oil Can Assist With Oral Health

How Virgin Coconut Oil Can Assist With Oral Health

Oil pulling has become a recent trend in oral hygiene, but it has been around for thousands of years. Virgin coconut oil is the most commonly used product in this procedure thanks to its high level of antioxidants, pleasant taste, and antimicrobial properties. How...

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