Castile Soap Tea Tree 1 Liter

USD $ 22.73

The base of Tea Tree body soap is made from coconut oil, which has antimicrobial properties to wash away dirt and germs to keep skin healthy. The hydrating power of cocoa butter moisturizes and hydrates to keep skin looking and feeling soft and smooth. The addition of peppermint, tea tree, and origanum essential oils provide cooling sensation and a clean, fresh feeling that lasts all day. Antibacterial properties of tea tree oil keep skin clear from acne, and the clean scent energizes. Gentle enough to use every day.
• Natural ingredients for healthy skin.
• Produces a cooling sensation.
• Antibacterial and antifungal.

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SKU: LS/TT-1000/PL Categories: , ,


Bahan dasar dari Tea Tree body soap adalah minyak kelapa, yang memiliki sifat antimikroba untuk membasuh kotoran dan kuman agar kulit tetap sehat. Kekuatan hidrasi dari Cocoa Butter melembabkan dan melembutkan untuk menjaga agar kulit tampak dan terasa lembut dan halus. Penambahan essential oil Peppermint, tea tree, dan Origanum memberi sensasi sejuk dan bersih, serta rasa segar yang berlangsung sepanjang hari. Sifat antibakteri dari tea tree oil menjaga kulit bebas dari jerawat, dan aroma bersih energi. Cukup lembut untuk digunakan setiap hari.
• Bahan alami untuk kulit yang sehat.
• Memberi sensasi sejuk.
• Antibakteri dan anti jamur.



coconut oil, castor oil, tea tree essential oil, origanum essential oil, mentha arvensis essential oil


the soap base is coconut and castor oil, enriched with essential oil of tea tree and origanum are natural anti bacterial anti fungal; peppermint essential oil gives a cooling sensation.

Additional information

Weight 2000 g

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