Temu-Temu Face Mask 30 gr

USD $ 2.62

Due to its exfoliating properties, volcanic clay has been used for centuries to detoxify the skin. Temulawak extract comes from the ginger family and has anti-aging properties that can restore luminance. Together in a facial mask, these ingredients can effectively remove the dead outer layers of skin that can clog pores and cause dullness to uncover, fresh, new skin. All natural ingredients care for and nourish your skin without chemical compounds that can cause irritation. Gentle to the skin; use weekly to restore radiance and a youthful glow.
• Natural ingredients that fight the signs of aging.
• Gentle enough to use weekly.
• Detoxifies and tightens skin.

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Due to its exfoliating properties, volcanic clay has been used for centuries to detoxify the skin. Temulawak extract comes from the ginger family and has anti-aging properties that can restore luminance. Together in a facial mask, these ingredients can effectively remove the dead outer layers of skin that can clog pores and cause dullness to uncover, fresh, new skin. All natural ingredients care for and nourish your skin without chemical compounds that can cause irritation. Gentle to the skin; use weekly to restore radiance and a youthful glow.
• Natural ingredients that fight the signs of aging.
• Gentle enough to use weekly.
• Detoxifies and tightens skin.



Volcano Clay, Temulawak Extract

Additional information

Weight 100 g

Deskripsi Bahasa Indonesia

Karena sifat pengelupas nya, clay vulkanik sudah digunakan selama berabad-abad untuk men-detoks kulit. Ekstrak Temulawak yang berasal dari keluarga jahe-jahean dan bersifat anti-penuaan bisa mengembalikan cahaya pada kulit. Bersama-sama dalam masker wajah ini, bahan-bahan tadi secara efektif menghilangkan lapisan luar kulit mati yang bisa menyumbat pori-pori penyebab kulit kusam, untuk memunculkan kesegaran kulit baru. Terbuat dari semua bahan alami yang merawat dan memelihara kulitmu tanpa senyawa kimia yang bisa menyebabkan iritasi. Lembut untuk kulit; gunakan setiap minggu untuk mengembalikan kecerahan dan cahaya kulit remaja.

  • Bahan alami yang melawan tanda-tanda penuaan.
  • Cukup lembut untuk digunakan setiap minggu.
  • Mendetoksifikasi dan mengencangkan kulit.

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