Marula Oil 30 ml

USD $ 15.17

Marula oil is the latest multi-purpose beauty product that benefits the skin, hair, and nails. A powerful concentration of amino acids provide anti-aging benefits that reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Natural fatty acids make it excellent when used as a hair conditioner to smooth split ends. Powerful antioxidants keep nail beds supple and repair damaged cuticles. Marula oil is rich in emollients, but lightweight enough to absorb easily into the skin. Use daily, and let your whole body drink in the beauty of hydration.

This is the way to add a trending beauty ingredient to your daily skincare routine. Let the power of nature soak deep into your skin, nourishing and protecting from the outside in. When your skin looks and feels it’s very best, there’s no limit to what your day can bring.

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SKU: MI/MM-0030/BX Categories: , , ,


Marula oil is the latest multi-purpose beauty product that benefits the skin, hair, and nails. A powerful concentration of amino acids provide anti-aging benefits that reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Natural fatty acids make it excellent when used as a hair conditioner to smooth split ends. Powerful antioxidants keep nail beds supple and repair damaged cuticles. Marula oil is rich in emollients, but lightweight enough to absorb easily into the skin. Use daily, and let your whole body drink in the beauty of hydration.

This is the way to add a trending beauty ingredient to your daily skincare routine. Let the power of nature soak deep into your skin, nourishing and protecting from the outside in. When your skin looks and feels it’s very best, there’s no limit to what your day can bring.


Best for Skin Types : dry skin, oily skin, combination skin, aging skin

Best for Skin Conditions : Eczema, psoriasis, scars, cellulite, hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles


Sclerocarya Birrea  (marula) oil

Additional information

Weight 50 g

Deskripsi Bahasa Indonesia

Produk ini adalah salah satu koleksi trendi yang cocok untuk ditambahkan dalam rutinitas perawatan kulitmu sehari-hari. Biarkanlah segala kebaikan alam meresap kedalam kulit indahmu, menutrisi dan melindungi kulit indahmu dari luar dan dalam. Bila keindahan kulitmu telah terlihat sempurna, maka takkan ada lagi batasan dalam menggapai hari harimu.
Marula oil adalah salah satu produk kecantikan serbaguna terkini yang bermanfaat untuk kulit, rambut dan kuku. Mengandung konsentrat asam amino yang sangat ampuh sebagai anti penuaan yang dapat mengurangi kerutan dan garis halus pada kulit. Asam lemak alami yang terkandung didalamnya membuat produk ini menjadi sangat sempurna  sebagai conditioner untuk menghaluskan rambut hingga di setiap helai rambut. Antioksidan yang sangat ampuh dalam menjaga kelenturan kuku serta memperbaiki selaput kuku yang rusak. Marula oil kaya akan kandungan pelembab tetapi sangat mudah diserap oleh kulit. Gunakanlah setiap hari dan biarkanlah kulit indahmu menyerap seluruh kelembaban nya

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